AzarAb|Azarab Holding Members|Engineering and Energy Projects Management Company

Engineering and Energy Projects Management Company

In order to participate as a public contractor in tenders related to Power Plant projects, Oil and Gas, and Petrochemical industries, AzarAb should have a powerful engineering and project management department.  For absorbing or developing the essential capabilities in engineering and project management field, AzarAb top management has established a company provided with proper staff and resources.
This company is responsible of performance and management of projects submitted to by holding.  The objective of this phase is to promoting this company and its relations with holding to a level of maturity, validity, and advantage that in second phase can directly act according the market condition, and participate in tenders.
Based on an agreement, holding makes a contract with the company; subject to maintain the time limit, project expenses, authorities and responsibilities for choosing the contractors and suppliers.  Afterward, the Engineering and project Manager company –in the frame of this identifications- will fulfils the design and engineering processes, chooses the sub-contractors, manages the communications with the contractor, controls, and coordinates the interested parties’ activities.  The financial affair of this company with Production and Manufacturing Company and Holding is according the principals of transmittal price determination.  Main activities of this company are:
• Cooperation with holding for preparing the proposals and sales negotiations
• Cooperation with holding for planning the projects
• Basic engineering
• Purchase and making the contracts with contractors and suppliers in detailed engineering, manufacturing, erection and starting to work based on authorities and responsibilities determined by holding
• Monitoring and project management in all processes from planning to putting into operation