AzarAb|About us|Outlook


Central ideology or central values that form AzarAb outlook core are included in following principles:
• Activities in practice not just in words
• Making a unique body in order to strengthen the members’ relations
• New regulations for old ones giving an end to personnel idealized competitions and making an Understanding on sublime common understandings
• Making an organic regulation with essential moral and social intellect, organization legitimacy and acceptability for personnel and customer
• Organization identification comes from organization idealization and Identifies by:
• Establishment of strategic organizations with constant processes, mental movements and aggregate mutual agreements establishment of stable organization and suggesting basic and impressive suppositions fundamental revision in plans, thoughts and prejudgments fundamental of new managerial and organizational regulations fundamental of new organizational culture in related activities
• Central Values:
  • Strengthening the personnel moral and Islamic values
  • Developing the industrial society based on Islamic values
  • Self respect exaltation with attention to generosity
  • Self-reliance principle
  • Finding the creative and multi aspect personnel
• Intention:
  • AzarAb industry must shine in world of industry
  • Global market entrance
  • Establishment of international capability in heavy industry and customer satisfaction to capture the target markets    
  • Coordinating with international technologies and making transformational changes in basic industries
• Ambitious Goals (BHAGS):
   • Changing AzarAb to a general contractor 
   • Changing AzarAb to a supreme technological company
• Vision
   • Conquest of national and regional markets
   • Pioneer in heavy industry in the region
   • International capability in heavy industry
   • Obtaining 20% average annual growth in productions sales and services